Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday nite personal - and more

Waiting for Anthony Bourdain to come on. A new "Intervention" comes on after that. It's about "Tiffany D.," a young mother battling crystal meth addiction. For some reason (because I'm gay?) I find the shows about guys more interesting, but sometimes the girls have cute boyfriends/male family members.

Meanwhile I have a large bottom-round roast in the oven and made a batch of chicken salad (about two cups) from what was left of last week's roasted chicken.

Anthony Bourdain was OK. High Desert in CA with musician Josh Homme (and his music). "Intervention" - not paying a lot of attention, although Tiffany's brothers are cute. Got the roast done and deglazed the pan to make gravy tomorrow night. The "fond" is very strong (but delicious); I think I'll cut it with a packet of brown gravy mix. Tomorrow I'll have the chicken salad for lunch. Wednesday and beyond I'll have hot open-faced roast beef sandwiches.

Since I worked yesterday, I have "flex time" to use. Came to work an hour late today and will do the same over the next few days. Even though (occasionally) working on Sundays (only 4 hours) puts a crimp on the weekend, I actually like having a less structured, less compressed week afterward. Has a looser, vacation-y type feel. A little respite from the usualdaily grind.

"Intervention" actually turned out very good. Now an "Intervention" re-run (heroin-addict Brittany, another girl - damn!). (I've seen it, sort of.) It's either that or Anthony Bourdain in Liberia, which I didn't care for. At least Brittany ($200/hr. prostitute) is more attractive than Tiffany, whose meth addiction caused her to pick at her face. Gross!! (Brittany does $500 worth of heroin a day.) Notwithstanding her habit, she looks and acts very put-together.

Brittany has a cute boyfriend (Clint). (He's a fool, though, to put up with her.) Oh, God, Brittany's mother is/was a heroin addict too!

Changing the subject: Sure enough, the stock market tanked big-time today (well over 600 points). So before I managed to squeak out, I lost around 20%. (Much better than what I lost last time.) Again, 401K not a good design for an old-age pension plan. (And the last Bush basically wanted to turn Social Security into 401Ks.)

My friend in FTL/STL told me a while back that one of his next-door neighbors, an elderly medical doctor whose 401K tanked during the last stock market crash, is now unable to retire and has to work punishingly long hours at the hospital.

We expect doctors to save our lives, but we don't expect them to be financial wizards (though some may be). Maybe this doctor should have sought better financial advice (but maybe his mind is totally preoccupied with caring about his patients). But it kind of goes to the point I've been trying to make: that turning old-age pensions into self-managed exercises in market speculation is really, really dumb. (And can border on cruelty.)

Our Social Security system should be made stronger and stronger.

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