Friday, December 7, 2012


Had nursing appointment this morning and was an hour or so late to work. There's a MacDonald's a few steps from the doctor's office, so got breakfast (steak, egg and cheese bagels plus hash browns) to eat back at work after having blood drawn (didn't want to contaminate blood for the tests - may sound silly, but... (it's a lot of fat and cholesterol). Back at work and hungry, I did enjoy them (even though by then they were a little cold). The bagel, steak etc. sandwich I think is their best breakfast sandwich. The steak is fried with onions and well seasoned, plus it goes perfectly with the chewy texture of the bagel (chewy but not tough). 

Had pretty busy day mostly designing holiday e-cards for a couple of the attorneys.  Then stayed an hour late since to make up some time.  So no gym tonight.

Noticed earlier in the day that I didn't have my money clip in my pocket (with $20-something in bills clipped to it).  I thought maybe I'd forgotten to put it in my pocket while I was getting dressed.  Well, when I got back home, it wasn't sitting in the dish where I keep all the stuff that goes into my pockets.  So apparently it slipped out of my pocket either when I was on the bus or at the doctor's.  I'll call the doctor's office on Monday to ask whether anyone found the money clip.  If not, I'm out a (stainless steel) money clip plus some cash.  (This has never happened before.)

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