Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday afternoon

I forgot to mention that yesterday I received a letter from my homeowners insurance company (Citizens). Apparently my claim is being processed and I was advised to meanwhile protect my property from damage, etc. (Done.) I'll not start up with these repairs until I get a check/advice from Citizens.

Weather is nice today (in the mid-70s) so I thought I'd WALK up to Walgreens to pick up my scrip and also stop off at a linen store nearby to get a new towel for Bootsy's settee. The old one is shot and needs to be thrown out.

Boozy has been ailing off and on (throwing up, losing weight, having loose stools). I'm contemplating taking him to the vet's, maybe tomorrow, for a shot, or something. When he's feeling well, which is most of the time, he has an appetite and gets around OK. But today I watched as he tried to hop up on his settee and didn't make it, after which he let out with a cry and went to lie down on the rug next to the sliding glass door (where's he's been spending a lot of time lately).

I have pet stairs going up to the settee, but Boozy doesn't use them. (The other night I even put catnip on the steps in an effort to entice Boozy to use the stairs to get up on the settee.)

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