Friday, February 10, 2012

TGIF at last!!! (Personal)

Good news! Called my doctor's office this morning and they said the letter from the health insurance company had been sent out in error and to ignore it. They still have a contract with the company. (I wasn't the only patient who'd called about the letter.) The doctor's assistant I talked to said some patients had called in a real "tizzy" (I think is the word he used). (I wasn't in a tizzy but was sad I might lose my doctor.)

No gym tonight, but I did take a decent nap. It was raining when I got off work and the buses were running late and the traffic snarled. Got home at the time I would normally go take a nap, and I need some down time to feed cats, check email, change clothes, etc. when I get home. So no gym (but needed nap).

E. called me after he got off work. He'd been expecting me to come over there tonight. I don't recall his inviting me, but he said he did so last weekend when I went to his restaurant for dinner. He called me at work today and didn't say anything like "See you tonight" or whatever. (Nor had he mentioned the visit at any other time during the past week.) I also called him at work when I got home tonight, and he didn't call back (he said he'd been too busy). Lots of mixed signals. But what should I expect from someone coming out of a bad relationship. (I think he's still shell-shocked.) Meanwhile, I'm not pushing anything.

One reason I called him at the restaurant tonight was to ascertain what his plans were for later. I perhaps would have suggested coming over here, since he hasn't seen the cats in a while. But, again, I have no recollection of his account of the plan being for me to go to his place tonight.

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