Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday night personal

Was back at the gym tonight after a nap. Had missed two Wednesdays, with all the other stuff going on. Getting back into the old (and more healthy) routine.

Had a very nice long weekend, though broke with some other routines and went out of my "comfort zone." (But I really don't think my comfort zone was all that comforting anyway.) Spent a lot of time with E. He's pretty much all set up in his place. The refurbished Samsung laptop I gave him as a housewarming gift has been fine-tuned for his needs. We even paid his Comcast bill online (and he now knows how to do it). (I made a "Pay Bills" tab on his Firefox "Speed Dial" plug-in, which I'd installed when I got the laptop.) (The BF had been paying E.'s bills on the BF's computer, and so we also had to get the BF off one of the old accounts so E. could pay the bill himself.)  (E. had long conversations with the tech people to get this done, while I was present in hopes to help out.)

He's on wireless Internet now from AT&T (I sprang for the wireless modem also - not expensive). Had to go out and get a new surge protector this weekend to get everything protected, since the one I'd originally bought turned out to be faulty. (A Belkkin - the same one I have protecting my TV.) (I'll return it for a refund.) I bought him something a little more expensive which also has some kind of fire protection.)

I lament that my ability to "spring" for things for other people is going to be severely curtailed by the cost increases in my health insurance at work. (I'd asked the benefits manger, jokingly, whether we're all going to get "Cost of Living Adjustments" to compensate for the increases.)

We really need to get a single-payer health care system in the U.S. - Medicare for all. May happen in my lifetime. Meanwhile Obama's health care bill has good cost-containment measures built into it (which the Republicans of course are trying to get rid of, since their election campaigns are financed almost exclusively by business interests). It's basically a money-corrupted system. And the Supreme Court has ruled that this is fine. I hope Obama will win again and be able to alter the Supreme Court in favor of better policies for a civilized society against the current winner-take-all trend.

(I also hope they'll change the archaic and increasing anti-democratic filibuster mechanism in the Senate.)

I have faith that things will continue to change for the better, and the U.S. will not continue to decline as a supposedly preeminent civilized country.

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