Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday evening personal - food

Just got back from dinner at E.'s place of business. (Wanted to show E. the tooth repair, for one thing.) He first-off served me a bowl of the soup du jour (fish), something I would not have chosen. But it turned out to be meaty and full of vegetables and not at all "fishy." (Needed salt and hot sauce, though.) Then I had half a meaty brisket/mozzarella "French dip" sandwich and took the other half home. Had grilled asparagus on the side.

Today when I got up I made a diced-ham omelet using a new (at least to Publix) "Egg Beaters"-type product: "Better'n Eggs Plus." (The "Plus" being 75mg of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.) Pretty unexciting, even after having made it with onion powder, garlic powder, salt and freshly ground pepper (in a buttered pan).

The tastiest way I've ever prepared these products has been with salsa mixed in. (And that's easy, too.)

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