Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday afternoon personal

[Click to enlarge]
Today I made another attempt at producing a good-tasting diced-ham omelet using an Egg Beaters-type product (Better'n Eggs Plus, with Omega 3). I think I succeeded.

As I did last week, I cooked the omelet in a little butter in a frying pan sprayed with Pam, swirling the slightly browned melted butter into the liquid omelet at first. (I know some would say using butter defeats the purpose of using an egg-white product by re-introducing fat and cholesterol, but it was only 1 tablespoon.) The omelet mixture itself consisted of about a cup of Better'n Eggs, 1/3 lb. diced Plumrose ham, generous gratings of fresh black pepper, about 2 teaspoons of salt, generous dashes of garlic and onion powder, about 1 1/2 tablespoons of dried chives, and a generous dash of ground cloves.

Came out fantastic, light and fluffy, with lots of flavor.  You wouldn't guess you were eating an egg-white omelet. (It was enough for two, so I saved some for tomorrow's breakfast, or maybe later today.)

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