Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday night personal

Spent hours tonight over at E.'s new place getting his wireless DSL set up. Got hung up at one step in the process and had to call AT&T Tech Support. Spent I'd say half an hour to 45 minutes (if not longer) troubleshooting with her and ended up having to uncheck one little box somewhere before we were able to proceed. Then she walked me through the final stage - going wireless - and made sure everything was working before we ended our call. (Excellent support, I have to say.)

So glad that's done with. (And this was E.'s night off, so he wasn't into seriousness.) (And this was serious business for me.)

But all is well. I showed him how to do a few things (like check his email account, which I'd already set up for him a few weeks ago on Yahoo!, and check the weather - both of which I'd put on a tab on Firefox's Speed Dial plug-in), but there was really no time left for E. to get any supervised "hands-on" training. I had to go.

Meanwhile the thing is working and he can explore it on his own. (He's never had a computer nor been online.) I think (and he's all for it) I'll stop over there Saturday for a while to help him out (have to be in the neighborhood anyway to sign some papers at my insurance agency re: the refinance.) By then, he'll have had more experience using the computer and may have some specific questions I can answer.

Meanwhile I told him not to keep any liquids (like beer) anywhere near the computer.

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