Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

 Bootsy jumped back up onto the settee today.

I'm glad I was here, observing him. At one point, I noticed he was eyeing the settee, standing in his usual jumping-up place, so I immediately grabbed the cover from the foam bed and placed in on the cushion (for sanitary reasons). I also put the toile footstool there, by the stairs, but he used neither.

The past couple of days he's had a head cold, I think from lying in front of the leaky cat door instead of atop his new foam bed. (I stuck some VapoRub in front of his nose; maybe that helped.)
Earlier, I had rearranged his sleeping area so that he wouldn't be sleeping in front of the cat door. (As you can see, the wind today, e.g., is stronger than the magnets that usually draw the flap into the closed position -- it's pouring right through the opening.)
(Now look who's sleeping on the cat bed)

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