Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday night

Bootsy's in the animal hospital tonight. I was reluctant to let the vet keep him there -- which she prescribed for any possible good outcome for Bootsy -- since they don't have a night staff. The animals in the hospital are left at night by themselves. I just hope Bootsy isn't as miserable as I can imagine he might be. But I just hope he's sleeping and has benefited from the IV to help rehydrate him and stimulate his appetite, etc. (though he's been drinking lots of water if not eating since yesterday.)

They're supposed to administer an IV antibiotic, which curiously I wasn't charged for today (though included in the estimate of the cost of his treatment). Based on online searches today, I think they can't do that till they get test results back for his kidney function (which we already know isn't good), since the drug has to be eliminated via the kidneys. We'll see what the vet says tomorrow.

Meanwhile I'll be going back to work on my regular schedule, unless I get a call from the vet early in the a.m.

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