Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday night

Traffic has been a nightmare lately with all the yahoos in town for the BCS Championship Game (I guess this used to be the "Orange Bowl Game"). Been late to work and late home the last two days, so I've been busier at home after work than usual, trying to get stuff done.

I've also been busier in the morning, getting up a bit earlier to administer Bootsy's medicines. (The Clavamox is almost gone now.)

This morning I was horrified to see that there was a Google+ button at the bottom of my blog posts, revealing my name (and this is an anonymous enterprise here). (I hadn't noticed it before.) I'd kind of been hoodwinked into joining Google+ (as if I needed another social network), but had no idea they'd link my profile -- basic as it was -- to Blogger and put a button on my blog. (Note that I figured out how to get rid of the button.) I also unlinked everything I do on Google sites from Google+ (Google didn't use to own Blogger). When I did that, they asked why, and I wrote that it was an invasion of privacy to reveal my name on my blog without my permission.

BTW, I've been doing blogs for years, beginning here in 2006 (if not sooner).

So many privacy issues on the intertubes. (Goes way back.) The rule of thumb nowadays is that if you use a product that's free, you're the product. So watch out!

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