Had a nice dinner earlier over at E.'s restaurant: beef brisket platter with grilled asparagus and broccoli, after a bowl of cream of chicken and potato soup, and before a fresh fruit tart. (Their brisket is very lean.) E.'s really looking forward to his move at the end of the month and getting away from "that mess." He needs a TV and a computer, however. The BF won't let him have one of the two flat-screen TVs, even though E. helped pay for it. (The BF controls.)
One of E.'s customers, a doctor, asked E. out on a date to a new gay bar down the Boulevard, but E. declined. E. said it's "too soon" and he's concentrating on getting situated in his new place. He then said he and I would go down there after his settling-in. He has it all planned. He said we'll take the bus down, and a taxi back. He said we would meet at my place and walk to the bus stop from here. (It's right across the street.) Looking forward to that. I don't have much of a social life these days.
I'm going to the store at 8:30, after the nearby Costco's has closed and the traffic has thinned out.
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