Didn't stay up too late and got up at 11:00. Took a gold bracelet E. had given me to the jeweler's to get the clasp fixed, since the spring had sprung and the bracelet was falling off. Then drove down to Home Depot to pay my bill. The place was mobbed but I managed to get in and out fairly quickly. Was glad to get back home into the A/C.
Have spent the rest of the day (hours) researching all the funds offered by my 401K company and plan on making some adjustments to my balances maybe next week, if the markets remain stable. Now I have a headache. Will get cleaned up and go get something to eat. Can't wait to read the story on Michele Bachmann in the latest New Yorker, which I just got in the mail today. (I started reading it online last week at work, but then it got busy.)

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