Two years ago, I contracted with Home Depot to do some remodeling in my kitchen, basically replacing the cabinets and counters, installing a new sink, and adding/replacing electrical outlets. This project dragged on for months. As I wrote at the time, midway through the project:
It's been two months now since they came in and ripped the kitchen out. I have no sink, no counters, no cupboards, no dishwasher, no ice, no nothing, and the whole place is a mess with the new cupboards and the kitchen stuff lying around everywhere and all the furniture awry. . . .
Up to a point, however, I was able to use the stove, mainly to make chili (easy), after which I'd wash the pan in the bathtub. Meanwhile I spent a lot of time and $$$ over at Flanigan's. A year ago or so (I'm guessing), the kitchen was fully operable again and all the inspections had been passed -- or so I thought.
Two weeks ago, I received a letter from the City of North Miami, telling me the building permit had expired without a final inspection, and threatening me with a $500 fine if I didn't renew the permit within a month from the date of the letter. They also threatened to come in and rip out the new cabinets if I didn't comply. I was apoplectic. The next day I called Home Depot, which had been responsible for all the permitting.
Sure enough, Home Depot had dropped the ball (again), but they're diligently remedying the situation. This past week they sent me a permit renewal to sign and notarize, which I mailed back to them yesterday (i.e., immediately). It appears this will be processed in time to save me the $500 and my new cabinets. I look forward to a final inspection and getting Home Depot out of my life once and for all.

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