Today was another scorcher in Miami. A new record was set: 94 F. The old record was 90, back in the '80s. The weather man on local NBC 6 also just said that today was the hottest day ever so late in the year. Ever. What a crazy month! And 12 days in a row of temperatures in the 90s. Another record.
We're going to have a low of 58 F. on Monday, high of 78 F. That's more like it. Tomorrow the cold front moves in. Rain. Yea! It's been so dry.
This chart doesn't reflect the record highs we've had lately. (Click on chart to enlarge.) Miami is definitely getting hotter, and this chart is only for the month of October. Of the 31 days in the month, only 5 of the record highs were recorded before 1980. Seven record highs were set in the 1980s. Eight were set in the 1990s. And 11 were set in the 2000s. I've sworn it was never so hot when I was growing up here. September used to be nice; now it's like August. And now October is behaving like August (or worse). I hope that's an aberration.

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